Weekend Recap

Where to?

Have you read these?

Privacy - Wednesday, Aug. 15, 2007

'Cause I'm a Loser Baby - Monday, Jun. 25, 2007

Movies - Wednesday, Apr. 11, 2007

Too Much Excitement - Sunday, Apr. 01, 2007

Spring is Finally Here - Sunday, Mar. 25, 2007

Read a random entry of mine.

hosted by DiaryLand.com

Tuesday, Apr. 22, 2003 - 2:49 p.m.

Saturday started out innocently enough with a beautiful sunrise and a warm breeze through my bedroom window that was left open due to Friday's fair weather. J made up some scrambled eggs AND cleaned up the dishes and mess while I enjoyed a nice warm shower. (Maybe he is feeling guilty?) The joy of being the first to use the shower and warm water from the water heater is uncomparable to anything. (J usually gets first dibs at the shower during the week, leaving me a few gallons of luke warm water so that I usually only get one leg shaved before the water turns to ice.) If you meet me in real life you can verify my identity by examining my legs to see if one is fresh and the other is not so fresh.

We took turns busying ourselves around the house tidying up. Just as J hoped into the shower, (He had the luxury of waiting two hours for the water to heat up again before getting in there, something I'm not privy to during the week.) my parents pulled up in the driveway. Since we agreed to spend Easter at J's relations, they wanted to stop by to see the baby on Saturday instead. They brought baby C a book, which he loves. I think it is the bright colors in it.

My folks wanted to go out to lunch at a local family owned restaurant that has heavenly good food. In fact, the blueberry coffee cake I bought from their bakery while I was there was the best I've ever eaten. It was almost orgasmic. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm blueberries. As soon as we were seated at our table and placed our order, baby C started fussing terribly. He'd just eaten 1/2 hour earlier, but there was no mistaking the hungry cry. He's going through a growth spurt and is eating like a pig. I didn't pack a bottle because I figured we'd be gone only an hour and he normally eats about every two hours. I also prefer to breast feed him rather than give formula unless it is an emergency.

J thought I should just whip out my boob in the middle of the restaurant and feed him, which is perfectly within my legal rights, but I'm a very modest person. If baby C didn't mind eating with a blanket over his head, then there'd be no problem, but he throws a fit and will not eat that way. I don't blame him really since I wouldn't want to eat with a blanket over my head either. I took him out to the car and fed him there instead. The car has windows, but not much of an audience and it certainly provided more coverage than the middle of the restaurant.

My food was luke warm when I went back in but still tasty nonetheless. After finishing eating, we left to go home. We then loaded up the car and drove the 35 miles to my nephew's soccer game. When we got there baby C was hungry yet again so I stayed in the car and filled him up. When I got out of the car I noticed a ZZ Top looking guy on a motorcycle behind my car who was possibly peeping on me - EWWW, so I loaded baby C into the stroller and hightailed it to the field to watch my nephew. He apparently wasn't paying attention at practice because he scored 2 goals, but for the opposite team. He spent the remainder of the game kicking at a pile of dirt on the field instead of chasing after the ball.

J decided that we should go with the rest of the family to my sister's house for dinner. Her kids were being terrible and she decided to go take a bath and leave them for everyone else to mind so the evening was less than fun. We didn't get home until 8 - 9 ish. I then slipped into bed to try and rest up for our upcoming drive to visit J's folks for Easter.

We woke up on Sunday to severe thunderstorms, delaying the kickoff of our 3 hour drive. Once it calmed down enough to drive, things went smoothly. Baby C slept the whole way there. We even were able to arrive right on time. J and I loaded up our plates and sat down to eat. Just as we did so baby C decided he was hungry even though he just ate 1/2 hour earlier, so I got up and took him upstairs to feed him. By the time I got back the dinner plates were cleared and the desert was picked over at best. I chatted with the relations while J went outside with bro-in-law to tinker with the car. Thanks for saving me something to eat people!

MIL hijacked baby C and I could hear him getting cranky. I asked her if she wanted me to take him and she said No. So I walked around and mingled for a few as his cries got higher pitched and angrier. Then I asked her again if she wanted me to take him. She again said no. I knew from the sound of his cries that he was hungry, but she insisted that he was just tired and she would hold him until he fell asleep. I realize that she has been a mother longer than me in terms of years, but she does not have anywhere near the same amount of time put in on mothering MY child. She's only seen him like 5 times since his birth.

Trying to think of a polite way to say, "hand over my child woman! He needs to eat and you're pissing him and me off," I walked around some more. Finally, I came back to an even angrier child, stuck my hands under his arms and said, "he needs to eat," as I grabbed him out of her arms. He calmed way down immediately after I picked him up and was very happy when he got some food in his stomach.

She has been pulling stunts like this ever since baby C has been in the picture, which really pisses me off. I don't know what her problem is. Why on earth would you keep a hungry child from eating? It is not like I wouldn't let her hold him when he was done. My own mother, who usually annoys me to no end has improved her annoyingness since baby C has been around. Don't mess with my kid or I'll get all mama bear-ish on you.

At least it is a while before another holiday rolls around.

Oh yes. I almost forgot. We stopped at a truck stop to get gas on the way home. During the 10 minutes that J was using the bathroom and getting some pop to drink. Two seriously gross truck drivers made disgustingly suggestive gestures towards me. Apparently I'm a real hottie to the Deliverence types.

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